There was a piece in yesterday’s FT that
caught my eye. Adidas were claiming 3D
printers had dramatically reduced prototyping time. Before = 12 people to create a prototype, Now
= only two. Before = up to six weeks to
evaluate a prototype, Now = just one to two days! So, hooray for technology. These are impressive statistics but it’s not
the speed of a single round of prototyping that’s the issue – the big win is
how many more iterations you can pack into the development process. Ironically technology has made the
interaction between human beings even more relevant. It takes guts and a big dose of humility to
manage an iterative development process.
Admitting you didn’t get it right first time, leaning in and listening
to your colleagues’ interpretation of results – maybe more junior colleagues at
that – these are the prerequisites of an experimental approach to ‘making new
Want a blow-by-blow account of how to
become a virtuoso experimenter? Read
Chapter Three of my book ‘The Science of Serendipity: How to Unlock the Promise
Of Innovation In Large Organisations.’
To order a copy please click here